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church in Haarlem

Family of Christ Church


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Healed from fybroids in the uterus

This is the testimony from Lydia, a sweet African lady in her mid fourties. She is immediately excited to conduct an interview, she feels thankful that the Lord has delivered her from a painful and long-lasting ailment. For four years, Lydia Luamba was in pain during her menstrual period. Not only was she in excruciating pain, but she also lost a lot of blood. Thinking the pain and blood loss were part of it, Lydia tried to live with the situation until she told friends about her situation in 2018. Her friends warned her that the pain she was experiencing was not normal. They advised her to go to the doctor.

Lydia decides to go to the GP in 2019. The doctor also tells her that the severe pain and the excessive blood loss around her menstrual period are not normal and refers her to a gynaecologist. Lydia visits the gynecologist in February 2019. The gynecologist has her examined and it turns out that Lydia has fibroids (benign growths) in her uterus. The doctor even discovered four growths in the uterus. These fibroids caused the pain and blood loss.

The growths are now also visible on the outside of the body. Lydia tells how it looked like she was pregnant, her belly seemed thicker because of these fibroids. The doctor proposes to operate after eight months, if it appears that the growths have remained that large or have grown even larger. If they would shrink, surgery would be reconsidered. Until then, Lydia had to start using a birth control pill. She had to wait and hope.

That same Sunday, Lydia came to church and spoke to the pastor's wife, Anette, about her problem. She asked for prayer, and Anette and her daughter Anna prayed for Lydia to be healed. After the service, Lydia went home encouraged and cheered. Over the next few days, she noticed that the pain during menstruation was no longer there. She still had a lot of bleeding. So on a prayer evening at her home, she asked Pastor Saïd Boujadi and his wife Anette to pray for her one more time. This is what they did then. Lydia decided to continue to trust God for complete healing, believing she would not need surgery. Although she was sad about the situation, she still had faith that it would be okay. She dreaded surgery because the fibroids were quite large.

An operation was scheduled eight months after the investigation. The doctor discovered after the third agreement that the belly of Lydia was less thick than before. New research revealed that the four major fibroids were gone. Lydia talks about it enthusiastically during the interview: "The fibroids were so big that surgery was required, but now everything is completely gone, everything is perfect!" Lydia believes that God has healed her: “I have no more pain and no major blood loss. I heard that the fibroids are some type of tumor, they can be very dangerous. It could mean that I wouldn't be able to have any more children. But I'm healed by God! I am completely healthy! Everything is possible through Jesus Christ! We must pray to God in confidence. He can heal anyone.”

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"The doctor discovered that there were four growths in my uterus"

Lydia decided to continue to rely on God for complete healing, believing she would not need surgery.

"Everything is possible through Jesus Christ! We must pray to God in confidence. He can heal anyone."

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